CHINO VALLEY: Veg-A-Fed Omega-3 Large Brown Eggs, 1 dz – GDS TEAM
CHINO VALLEY: Veg-A-Fed Omega-3 Large Brown Eggs, 1 dz

CHINO VALLEY: Veg-A-Fed Omega-3 Large Brown Eggs, 1 dz

  • $7.33
    Unit price per 

Our Veg-a-Fed Omega-3 eggs come from hens raised in free roaming environments and fed a special vegetarian diet that contains flax seed—a grain naturally high in Omega-3 fatty acids.
Each egg contains 225 mg of Omega-3, also known as alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). ALA has been shown to have positive health effects in humans, especially for cardiovascular health.